Absolute Truth

" There is no ABSOLUTE Truth,
except perhaps the first portion of this statement ,
which would then contradict that same portion and denigrate it to a simple truth - but not absolute,
because there is no absolute truth,
except perhaps the previous section of this statement,
which would then contradict that same section and denigrate it to a simple truth - but not absolute,
because there is no absolute truth,
except perhaps the previous section of this statement,
.... because there is no absolute truth,
.... because there is no absolute truth
... ad infinitum..."

-Umang Saini ( https://umangsaini.site)

OR simply

"There is no ABSOLUTE truth, not even in this statement itself."
-Umang Saini (https://umangsaini.site/)

I composed those above quotes, for the fun of creating a self contradictory statement. The other motive was - I love to contradict and disprove stuff. All of that was based on one key premise - nothing is absolute. Once you take this - factually every fact can be turned on its head and be proved as relative.

All this was fine, till I read "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand, which led me to read her other famous novel - "Atlas Shrugged". The protagonist makes a 56 page climax speech where he lays down his philosophy and understanding of the world. The key statement from that broke my long established quote into pieces.

This one statement simply nullifies the above quoted statement as it is Absolute Truth.


Update (04/24/2007) - The new title of the blog is the answer