
Two bold talks released in one short week. Both given at TED 2007.
  1. Bill Stone - maverick cave explorer and diver talks about his explorations and ambitious Shackleton exploration project.
  2. Hans Rosling - Professor of Global Health from Sweden. Statistics can be compelling.
Both inspiring beyond what words can summarise. Therefore no summary here but only their concluding remarks.

Bill Stone's message -
Men Wanted:
For Hazardous Journey,
Small Wages, Bitter Cold,
Long Months of Complete Darkness,
Constant Danger,
Safe Return Doubtful,
Honour and Recognition
In Case of Success.
-- Sir Ernest Shackleton, 1954

Hans Rosling's own message -
Seemingly impossible is possible. We can have a good world.

Both Remarkable!

Links -
Bill Stone (Direct Download, 57MB, ~18 minutes)
Hans Rosling (Direct Download, 63MB, ~20 minutes)

P.S - Those who haven't had tasted Rosling's first TED talk should start from here. (zipped mp4 ~60 MB, online link). Do visit their speaker details pages on TED site itself for more information.
