
Seth Godin, author of 'Permission Marketing', cites the importance of permission as an important asset for any business. Sadly, permission is typically assumed, abused or overused. Take telecommunication operators for example. Until recently my operator started sending a barrage of marketing messages to me (more than three a day). I promptly registered for the 'Do Not Call' facility, only to receive following text -
Dear Customer, Your request (No. 10003077047) for Do Not Call facility is registered. It will be active within 45 days. Reliance
And they've followed their promise, they are still sending messages to me, 35 days into the registration.

There's the other end of the spectrum, where entities like mGinger and YouMint will pay you to receive targeted advertisements. They put a price for your attention and time. The problem is that in a me-me-me centric world, I am not interested in telling you what I want.

Go figure.
