
This weekend, I watched Saul Griffith's presentation on “Climate Change Calculated”. He’s a MacArthur Fellow, founder of WattzOn and Makani. He presented a storm of numbers and a set of compelling calculations.

Businessweek named WattzOn as the best idea of 2008. Long Now – video, audio, blog, presentation. Similar presentation was also made at PopTech and Web 2.0 conference (Link).

I signed up for WattzOn, my profile (badge in the sidebar). I came up with 1849 watts. Here’s my chart.

(Stuff - 594W, Commute 516W, Flying 335W, Food 308W, Housing 70W, Govt. 27W)

I should be reducing my usage to ~1.2kW. I can easily cut out the news-paper (523 watts). It’s difficult to cut beyond this. This global average is roughly 2.4 kW. By any measure, news paper is a shocking wastage of energy.

So what’s your Wattage?
