Written by
Umang Saini
"Make Meaning" - Anon / Several.An article which I found particularly interesting on this topic is a paper titled "Man's Search for Meaning: The Case of Legos" by Dan Ariely, Emir Kamenica and Drazen Prelec.
The author's link the creation of meaning as a powerful force necessary to extract better work. Without an effort to create such a perception can lead to disastrous consequences. He hits upon our natural quest for meaning.
Dan Ariely's other work on irrationality and cheating is also insightful and delightful to read.
- Dan's Paper - Man's search for Meaning: The case of Legos (pdf)
- Article - What managers can learn from Legos
- On Cheating - Dan's TED Talk - Our buggy Moral code (TED blog entry)
- Interview - Why we Cheat on Wired
- On Irrationality - Dan's book - Predictably Irrational (has the link for the podcast)
Quotes from Dan Ariely
- "... even the smallest acknowledgment increased willingness to work and decreased the level of pay required ..."
- "Fudge factor - People have two goals: a) to look at ourselves in the mirror and feel good about ourselves. b) to cheat and benefit from cheating. ... ... The balance - We cheat up to the level that we would find it comfortable [to still feel good about ourselves]"