
After more than a decade of staying in the weight range of 50 to 54 kgs, I finally managed to break away from the bracket.

BMI of 19 to 25 is classified normal. My BMI Chart from LifeMojo

My daily calorie intake went up from 1200-1600 kcal range to 1800-2200 kcal range. This includes following

  1. 400 kcal Breakfast
  2. 150 kcal Coffee / Tea
  3. 400 kcal Lunch
  4. 150 kcal Evening snacks
  5. 500 kcal Dinner
  6. 150-300 kcal – Between meal snacks

What’s changed?

  1. Not Skipping breakfast – Its rare for me to skip breakfast these day
  2. Higher calorie intake – Keeping track of daily calorie intake helps.
  3. Nuts – Regular consumption of nuts. Especially Almonds and Walnuts, followed by Peanuts, Cashew and others.
  4. Yogurt – 200-300 grams regular daily intake. Mostly for calcium (gives has ~120 to 160 kcals, depending on type)
  5. Schedule – Having breakfast and lunch at same time everyday (8:45 AM and 12:30 Noon respectively). Dinner time oscillates between 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

Few speculate that limiting calorie intake to 1500 kcal daily improves life expectancy. The rationale being that it will lower wear-n-tear and reduce stress on organs to get rid of the toxins that come with the food. I find 1800-2000 to be a sufficient for my moderate-activity daily schedule. Nutrition sites recommend 2200-2500 kcal for maintaining my current weight. It’d be hard to manage in 1500 kcal, and one may have significantly lower daily activity levels to prevent exhaustion and feeling starvation.
