Written by
Umang Saini
I recently crossed $17k mark in my spendings (excluding investments). This post is a review of where that money went in the last 55 months stay at Bengaluru, India.Here's a per day chart (cumulative average)-
- Per day expense - Rs. 464
- Per month ~ Rs. 14,120
Where it went (in %)
A Forbes article on World Spending (2008, Link) gives a data point for India -
- Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages - 34%
- Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics - 2%
- Clothing and Footwear - 5%
- Housing, Water, Elec, Gas, Fuels - 12%
- Furnishing, Household Equip - 3%
- Health - 7%
- Transport - 15%
- Communication - 2%
- Recreation and Culture - 2%
- Education 6%
- Restaurants and Hotels - 2%
Let me know your thoughts in comments.