Written by
Umang Saini
This blog is now running on Amazon Web Services EC2 Micro instance.It began by buying umangsaini.site domain on CrazyDomains. At the time it was offering cheapest 5 year validity .IN domain for Rs. 1250. The catch being that DNS services were to be paid separately. This meant waiting for 60 days lock-in period and subsequently transferring to BigRock.in which gives free DNS services (Additional cost of Rs. 450 for transfer+ 1 year extension).
The transfer completed yesterday, and I pointed the DNS CNAME records to my AWS EC2 Micro instance.
I then went through multitude of tutorials on EC2, WP and Apache2 to get the things working. Eventually things have now fallen in place and poloolop.blogspot.in will now redirect to this domain.
If you are attempting similar switch and get stuck, ping me with a comment. I'd be happy to help out. Also if you see some issues with this site, please leave a comment.