
New Links
“Great stories happen to those who can tell them” - Ira Glass

  1. The Story Of How Larry Page Got Forced From The Top Of Google And Came Back A Decade Later - Link
  2. What Makes Nigel Richards The Best Scrabble Player On Earth? - Link
  3. The Wizard of Minecraft
  4. Logic of Buddhist Philosophy
  5. The Mystery of Go, the Ancient Game That Computers Still Can’t Win
  6. Lionel Messi is Impossible
  7. Macintel - The end is nigh
  8. Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it'
  9. Giant Cycles now in Bangalore
  10. In Remote Corners of India, Immunity for Soldiers Who Kill and Rape Civilians - NYTimes
  11. The Final Frontier - Sanitation in India
  12. William McDonough - Waging Peace through Commerce
  13. Nutrition Is A Silent Emergency In India: Vinita Bali
  14. Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal

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