
New Links. Accumulated since July (previous post).

  1. BFH ImagePlay - Rapid Prototyping for Image Processing - ImagePlay
  2. LLVM For Grad Students - Blog
  3. How MLB built streaming technology - Verge
  4. A Pakistani teen gets rich quick in E-Sports - Bloomberg
  5. How a Chinese Billionaire Built Her Fortune - NYTimes
  6. Mystery Man Moving Japan Made More Than 1 Million Trades - Bloomberg
  7. How experts stay safe at the Black Hat security conference - USAToday
  8. Unbounded High Dynamic Range Photography Using a Modulo Camera - MIT
  9. Latex Editor - Latex
  10. Alain de Botton on why we travel -
  11. The Uber Endgame - TheAwl
  12. A former Google exec on how to make tough decisions quickly - QZ
  13. Lisp is still a secret weapon - Blog
  14. What makes Uber Run - Fast Company
  15. Visual Intro to Machine Learning - R2D3
  16. How Apple build 3-D touch - Bloomberg
  17. Why Carnatic Music - Medieval
  18. Why Facebook’s $2 Billion Bet on Oculus Rift Might One Day Connect Everyone on Earth - Vanity Fair
  19. Funning around with ZF’s Smart, Advanced Urban Vehicles - Auto Blog
  20. C++ Core Guidelines - GitHub
  21. Denying Problems When We Don’t Like the Solutions - Duke
  22. Google voice search: faster and more accurate - Google
  23. Why Roger Federer Hasn’t Broken Down - NYTimes
  24. While Many Panicked, Japanese Day Trader Made $34 Million - Bloomberg
  25. India, Solar Technology, and the Monkey Problem - MIT
  26. Linux workstation security checklist - GitHub
  27. How the Dutch got their cycling infrastructure - Blog
  28. The Virtual Reality of John Carmack - DMagazine
  29. Ten Predictions - Blog
  30. Google Wants To Make Silicon Valley As Bike-Friendly As Copenhagen - FastCoExist
  31. Forging an Alliance for Royalty-Free Video - Mozilla

Best, Umang