
It is 2020, and Smartphones continue to be a force to reckon with. There is a dizzying array of products in a crowded segment, with overlapping categories and throw everything at the wall scenario. Apple couldn’t pick a single screen size, and had to release 4 variants. Since these devices have grown to be more durable, the purchase decisions are fewer and far between. I remember just few years back, when almost eveyrone was looking to buy a replacement devices every 18-24 months.

I have been a strong proponent of devices which are supported significantly longer, and Apple seems to be the only company which is keeping devices updated for the longest duration. Considering the fact that cost of these devices keeps climbing, purely because of inflation, the planned usage of Apple devices is significantly longer.

I have bought Samsung Galaxy Nexus, LG Nexus 4 / 5X, Samsung Galaxy S7, One plus 3/3T/5/5T/6, Pixel 1 so for myself and family members.

I don’t have a current pick for a phone device, primarily because my phone is only 4+ years old, and I intend to use it for at least 8 years. It is tough to predict the devices which will ship in year 2024, however I doubt I will ever purchase a traditional smartphone. The diversity of smart devices keeps exploding, and wearables as a category is phenemenonal.

I do not want to buy another smartphone in 2024. It is likely that over time Apple will add a 5G modem to their Macbook Pro’s, get rid of current limitations in the next 4 iterations (multiple external displays, significantly better camera, memory, GPS, … the list is long). Hopefully the competition also catches up.

Best, Umang